Thursday 8 March 2012

Task 1 pt 4

With the idea in mind, I took the pose into Photoshop and began to scribble down some ideas. Here is what I came up with, and the one i decided to settle with.

The Silhouette:
Idea 1:

Idea 2:
Idea 3:

I ended up sticking with idea 3, so i went ahead and added a little colour:

She's not finished yet, i only added plain colours with a tone higher and lower of each on. What i plan on doing is going into more research on the bionic limbs, and make them look better. Then we should have something to look at.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Task 1 pt 3

Mood-board for task 1, i'm thinking about going for a bionic scavenger of the future kind of look.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Task 1 pt 2

Had to chose one of the two images from the last post and use it for the task. I chose this one.

Task 1

So Task 1 for this module is called "Organic + Mechanic". I have to choose two drawings from the session in week 1 that i felt were the most successful, so, here they are:

Shot 1 :

Shot 2 :